blog: economics


Corporate thinkers and marketing strategists wondering how best to navigate through turbulent economic downswings should turn their attention to non-competing products, where they can add customer convenience and value while reducing cost-of-sale.

Because, let’s face it, in this economy you have limited choices. You could: – Spend your money on restructuring consultants – Slash prices in the hope that keeping busy will hide your losses – Increase incentives and slash prices for even greater losses – Stare frozen into the headlights and wait for the inevitable…

Or be creative. Find more values to sell to your existing customers and enable them to do more with less.

Here are some examples:


Office Cleaning & Building Security – lower property management costs and improve on the cleaning staff integrity. Payroll Processing & Job Placement Agencies – as payroll fee income drops earn commissions on placements of the displaced staff, as well as increase reach for your payroll services.

Couriers & Food Services – fill up the water fountain/coffee machine while you pickup/drop-off the packages. Cut your cost of distribution and make margin on the sale of snacks.

Computer Manufacturers & Airlines – digital and physical connectivity from point-to-point, e.g. in-flight hookup to your virtual desktop, best price reservations to frequently-used, business destinations on the purchase of notebooks with extended warranties. Etc.


Toys & Tools – for the chip-off-the-old block, an incidental purchase for dads while they calculate how much drywall they need.

Fashion, Flowers & Gifts – you can surely trust your fashion stylist/boutique to know how to create the right bouquet or pot pourri for you.

Shoes & Socks – socks wear out more quickly than shoes. Shoe sellers should stock socks (say 10 times quickly) as a traffic driver and an incidental profit booster.

Home Entertainment Systems & Movie Studios – create a utopia of choice and a measurable market to forecast demand for in-home or out-of-home entertainment metrics. Etc., etc.

You can do this in a number of ways:

  • strategic partnerships
  • mergers
  • cross-promotions.

You have to care and share to make it work. And be customer-centric in bringing the value home to the customer, so that they can gain to ease their pain.

There are thousands of potential mash-up opportunities. These came to mind quickly, to make the point. Corporate mash-ups can be a low-cost, low-risk investment. Each party has control of its own customers. The strategy is to be customer-centric, to increase your value to your customer and reduce their total outlay for the same services. Unlike a straightforward customer promotion, a mash-up increases your reach into the market as your partner extends it to their customers. So your total market reach is expanded without additional marketing cost to you. It’s not a freebie, and the discount comes through real cost-efficiencies, not profit slashing.

Tangential thinking comes naturally in this business; so if you have a sense of the possibilities but no immediate notion of how to move it forward, call me.


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